So this is a record of thoughts and musing about my time during prayer and worship and Bible study. Those wonderful whisperings that you hear from the Spirit, the secrets God whispers into your heart if you take the time to be still enough to listen. The times of wrestling, tears - both of joy and sadness. The things you can only learn "in the garden of the spirit".
The longer I am a believer, the more I learn how important prayer is and how difficult it is to make enough time in your life for it. I have had such a desire to spend more time in prayer lately. To really press into the Spirit to hear what He is saying. But also I am desiring to develop a personal worship time. After all the years at CFC and the wonderful worship times we had, I have missed that corporate worship immensly. I have not found a body of believers that worship as long and as freely as we did there. But one of the drawbacks I have learned since leaving is that I never really developed a personal time of just worshiping. Not prayer, but just plain worshiping God. Full out, unhindered, up close and personal between God and I. Not much is talked about in developing a personal worship time with God. But I do see that Jesus modeled that. The first thing in the Lord's prayer, when the deciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray was to worship God. "Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name." Holy be His name.
I find it challenging to worship privately. I have a terrible singing voice. But I am convinced that God is not interested in that, but in my heart. Worship puts the focus on Him and who He is, not on me, my needs, desires, or wants. Not on my weaknesses, shortcommings, sins. It focuses my thoughts, heart, and attention on Him alone. His majesty, His greatness. It is no wonder that there were so many names for God in the Old Testament Hebrew language. They all seem to describe an aspect of God worthy of worship. I want to get to know that part, that side of God....not just coming to him in prayer asking all the time. Even when my asking isn't for me, even when the asking is in line with His desires for this world (ie: His name being glorified, salvation, etc) still puts me in the frame of mind of getting from God. Worship puts me in my place in my relationship with Him. It reminds me of How magnificent He wonderful it is to be able to approach him in worship.