Friday, December 23, 2005


I am about to begin my level 1 training to become a Life Purpose Coach. I was amazed at how the money to pay for this level just seemed to show up in my check book. A bit of overtime here, squeezing grocery money tight there, giving up the egg Mcmuffin in the morning, and not buying any books for two all added up to having exactly enough to pay for the first level. The second level tuition isn't as much and I wasn't too worried, but the 3rd level is twice as much as the first level plus requires a trip to California and a 4-5 day stay in a hotel in Laguna Beach. Seem so out of reach for me. Well last night I did my budget for the next year and realized that I have finally caught up with bills that were "creative accounting practices" during my 6 month unemployment stint. It looks like I will have enough to pay for the tuition, plane ticket, hotel, food, and even a bit of spending money. Whoo hoo. It will be good to see how God continues to help provide for this trip. It will be a really tight 3 months - and part of the reason I can save this much is that I will hold off on setting up the state health insurance policy that costs waaaay too much until after I get back in March. I pray that God will keep me healthy and safe so that I will not need any health care. I know that this is a Russian roulette kind of thing, but right now, level 3 training or no, I can't afford the state health insurance until March anyway. When I tell myself "God will provide" I am not being flippant, it is a prayer of faith.