Today during worship CB sang a solo. Using a soundtrack for the first part of the song and accompyaning by playing accoustic guitar later I watched as he struggled during the soundtrack part to not play the guitar. It struck me how much a part of himself his talent and giftings are. It made me think about the giftings and talents that God has given us and how many of us don't even know what they are much less use them and so few ever release them in their lives enough to have to struggle to not have them pour out of our lives in an unconscious stream. This is what I stopped to write in my journal.
"What an amazing thing to see God's people reveling in the giftings he has bestowed on us. To enjoy and use the giftings God has given us - what more is there?
What would it be like if all God's children could experinece this? What would it be like if I could be a part of helping women find this release and purpose in their lives?"
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